But i have a lot of things to thank about. :)
1. a new job that keeps me busy, hehe. New knowledge and new career. Being in a Corporate world is very different in Operations, much wider knowledge and network ;)
2. Registered in TBR, a dream marathon (so totoo na to, i don't want to waste my Php1800 for nothing) Training Mode is now ON.
3. Been part of the of the Ultra marathoners group, the "Team Boring" , they are all my inspirations, some of the members are my coaches, a virtual coaches as I'm following their blogs and thru their blog post, i keep motivated and encourage to run, (their blogs touches my life without their knowledge ;) )
4. Registered already for QCIM, my first HM, so this is it..so pansit! (how i wish :) )
-a sweet thought-